The title says it all. I have spent the last few days playing around with this website trying to get things sorted out. Although I’m nowhere from finished, the tweaks I have managed to make do make the website feel a lot better. I have been adding a few new blog posts mostly educational ones …
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Month:May 2020
Zeller Congruence (The Program)
Now that we know that the algorithm works we can know build a solution We will start by adding code to perform the calculation for this we will need to import the Python math module so that we can use the built in floor function. We will also have to take into account the months …
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Zeller’s Congruence (The Algorithm)
When I started college in 1998, I was studying A-Level mathematics and was introduced to Zeller’s Algorithm. When I then started studying programming I though this would be a great algorithm to turn into a program(that program can be found here). I have been thinking about projects which I wish to put up on this …
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Zeller Pascal
It was my birthday this week so I got to thinking about one of my old Pascal Programs which was a program that used Zellers Algorithm or Congruence to calculate the day of the week from a given date. In this post all I wanted was to share my old Pascal program. In my next …
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Prime Numbers
Anyone that has studied secondary school mathematics knows what a prime number is but just to recap the definition of a prime number is any number which is only divisible by 1 and itself. 1 is however not a prime number as it is only divisible by itself, and other than 2 all prime numbers …
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Is Odd? or is Even?
In my last post I wrote a program to print the Collatz Conjecture for a particular number. In this program I had to check if the number is odd or not(even). For my next program I will need to do this check again so I have decided to write a very short function to check …
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Collatz Conjecture (The Code)
In the This program just returns the value for a single value so we need to wirte an extra function to get the sequence: The code above adds the values in the sequence to an array and then prints simply prints the array to the screen, running the code above produces the following output: This …
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Collatz Conjecture (The Math)
I was watching one of my favourite youtube channels Numberphile and came across a video which for convenience i have embedded into this post on the Collatz Conjecture. The Collatz Conjecture is named for Lothar Collatz who introduced the idea in 1937. It is a simple sequence which is defined as: This may look a …
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