Why Can’t I Say No?

Some how I have ended up doing some sort of play in church tomorrow, even though I can not remember saying that I would do it. I hate getting up in front of people and easily get nervous and start feeing ill (actually just thinking about it, i am starting to feel a bit nauseous ). I am actually praying to be ill tomorrow. When I realised that i was doing it part of me said, sure lets do it, conquer my fears but the closer it gets to being tomorrow the more I realise I can’t do it.

This isn’t the first time this has happened. Every time i am asked to do something like this, I just can’t seem to say the word no. On the other occasions I have been lucky and it worked out, by others doing it for me. This time however, i don’t think it will.

I do a lot for the church but this is one thing, i just can’t do. I need to come up with a solution and fast, in less than 12 hours i am expected to be part of a short play. I need help and I need it soon. I am looking for a miracle.

“So do not worry about tomorrow; it will have enough worries of its own. There is no need to add to the troubles each day brings.”

Matthew 6 Verse 34, Good News Bible