Ctrl Alt Delete Report 1 – August 2016

Well here it is my first update to my reboot.


Life Goals

Eat and Drink Better


I have managed most of the month without drinking an energy drink. I think I have drank only 3 this month and have felt on the whole, lot’s better. For the past week I have also been off fizzy drinks and only drinking fruit squash. Eating however is where I am letting myself down, i need to insert some vegetables into my diet somewhere.

Read More


I have managed to read a bit more than normal but nowhere near what I used to, my biggest vice is Netflix at the moment, instead of going to bed and reading I know watch a movie on Netflix and only reading if it’s not too late.

Write More


Again another area where I haven’t really managed to get idea to keyboard, lot’s of ideas not enough work coming from ideas. Ideas are great only if they’re acted upon.

Code More


There has been some movement in this area. I have started writing my first app and am learning a new programming language at the same time(Swift). So watch this space on updates.

Exercise More


This is one of those goals I haven’t been able to fully start yet but plan to the moment the kids are back at school on Monday so am having to give myself an Ungraded for this section.

Get into a Better routine


Another area I am slipping at is getting into a better routine, the school holidays probably not the best time to start a new routine. I have already tried to draw up a plan though and what I wish to achieve throughout the week so again watch this space.

Be better with money


As with anything this is probably the area which needs looking at. This month being the hardest we’ve had to survive for a while. I have got a plan just need to enact it, which means getting credit card accounts being able to be viewed. My only worry is I know what we are paying out just not what effect it’s having on the overall debt. It’s not large amounts it is just not being managed effectively. I believe it’s fine to have debt as long as it can be managed correctly and never above what the main earner makes annually, ours is under so should be able to be brought down. Again not worried about it just annoyed that we haven’t been managing it well.

Spiritual Goals

Read my Bible More


This is something which I have slipped out of doing the past few months, I am slowly picking it back up more and more and have just finished reading 1 Corinthians and have now started 2 Corinthians. I have scheduled this for 10:00 every day and will be sticking to it.

Pray More


Since coming back from New Wine, i have taken up doing the Infinitum Prayer. I have found it helpful to start my day praying in these three postures of Surrender, Generosity and Mission.


In conclusion, the first month has been easier than expected. There is still room for improvement but in life when is there never room for improvement? I will be posting about my new schedule and routine in the near future. Yes writing blogs will be on the schedule. With the marks above I reward myself 56%. Which getting more than half on a first month is a miracle.