Still Going.

Wow has it been 3 weeks since I last wrote one of these. Wow time flies.

Well my Good week of last month has still yet to be surpassed. I have however had a good day here and there. I have been using my MacBook Pro for about two weeks and have been converted (partially) to a Mac lifestyle. The ease of use, is a major draw to using a Mac. I still use my Desktop and Windows 7 daily but will easily switch to the Mac to do anything Arty Farty.

The Mac was a huge test to my new relaxed way to life as it does have one flaw, it came with a dead sub pixel meaning that there is a single dark spot on the left hand edge of the screen but I have learned to live with it. Apple like many Manufacturers do not have a Zero Dead Pixel Policy this means that you will on occasion get a screen with a few anomalies, I would have needed at least 3 dead pixels in order to get it exchanged. But I can live with it since it is on the edge of the screen and not in the middle.

I think that is enough about the Mac. Now onto what I have been doing. Well I am still attending the Alpha course and I am still getting something out of each session. On the 12th we had a whole day devoted to the Holy Spirit, we all agreed that this was a very good day. The day was ended with some of us going to the pub to watch England vs. USA. The following day was Elevenses the first one where I used my Mac to run the presentation (There I go mentioning the Mac again), it went well and without hiccup.

The next week went Okay, Alpha, Pub Church except I am know getting over a cold. It’s June and I have a cold how unfair is that. So there’s my update.