Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da

I think i chose the title well for this one. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, Life goes on. That is all I can say at the moment. The Summer is over and the year flying by. What more can i say. Time is flying way too fast.

I have had to put a lot on hold at the moment due to commitments to my church, mainly doing their website which is on it’s fourth revision. I remember quite clearly stating that I would be working on my website this year but that hasn’t come to fruition, my new deadline is my birthday next year. The church website is however progressing rather well. I enjoy doing projects which help me to think about doing things I have never done before when it comes to websites and this will help my new website become something special.

I can’t remember if I blogged about me attending the Alpha course. It went so well that we are starting a new homegroup spawning from this group and re going to meet every fortnight. I am looking forward to this starting back up in the next few weeks.

At present I am feeling incredibly old, I think it has something to do with Mario being 25. That’s Mario as in Super Mario and not my local pizza guy, his names Dominos. I specifically remember Super Mario Bros on the NES was the first game I ever completed from start to finish, the second and third are Super Mario Bros 2 and 3.

I suppose life going on isn’t too bad could be worse life could end. Which would make this blog pretty strange as it would be from beyond the grave.