Coming Together

Another Blog so soon after the last, what has come over me? It is because one of my New Year Resolutions is to blog more. I started so well last year and then they started to die out. The title of this blog is coming together, this is in reference to my last blog in which i stated that I had not had a good start to the year. For those of you who have not read my last post, to some it up I was having doubts due to a member of my church chastising me about something which i accidentally added to my FaceBook page. I was hurt and upset by this.

Anyway lets not bring it up again. I have decided not to worry about my age and not having a job, in the end a decision was made that i would stay at home with the kids and the wife would work. I can not and would not change anything as I have come to realise that it has allowed me to take my time to sort myself out. I suffer from severe eczema, but since January last year I have been on Imuran which has helped clear it up, and luckily I have not suffered any of the side effects other people have who take it. If I was working and was suffering as bad as I was I would have probably had to take time off to get it sorted as I was covered in red cracked weeping sores, and was not getting much sleep.

My health has improved greatly in the past year. Eczema, Asthma and hay fever are now all under control. These are what I like to call the three amigos of doom and gloom. I know need to stop having these bouts of depression, this is a factor which is need to address, i can be happy with everything and then something will just snaps and suddenly i am depressed for days. The incident in the first week of the year depressed me for a good week week and a half and am only truly getting back to the way I was feeling before Christmas, where i was upbeat and optimistic.

At present I am working on a number of websites:

  1. – This website is for the church.
  2. – This website is also for the church.
  3. – this is my personal website.
  4. – this website is a joint project with my friend Robin.

So my year is going to be full of websites. But this is what I like to do, create websites. The problem I have now is dividing my time between them.

I am also as stated above will be trying to keep my blog more up to date, I hope to post a blog at least every other day, but this will depend on if anything has happened which i want to blog. It is ironic that I only seem to blog when something has upset me and am depressed, i really need to write more uplifting blogs. I strive to be like Wil Wheaton who writes some of the best blogs on the net check them out at Wil is best known for playing Wesley Crusher on Star Trek: The Next Generation, but is one of Bloggers on the net, he manages to churn out a blog every day, record his podcast, write books and just be interesting. I am a HUGE Star Trek fan, yes i would call myself a Trekkie and when I was growing up I wanted to be Wesley Crusher. I wanted to be the teenager who had the run of the Enterprise.

However, I have started watching them again and now realise, Wesley was irritating. Wesley had all the answers, if no one came up with a solution to the problem even the android with the positronic brain, Wesley would have the answer that would save the day. I want to see the episode where the senior officers take it in turn to slap Wesley and tell him to shut up and let someone else have a turn at saving the ship. It is not Wil Wheaton’s fault that Wesley was irritating so he should not be blamed for what the writers were coming up with.

Anyway this blog is already longer than what i thought it would be so I will stop writing now.

“Leave all your worries with him, because he cares for you.”

1 Peter 5 Verse 7, Good News Bible.