A Good Week. So Far…

The past few days have gone well, I have really enjoyed them. The weather has been fantastic and the days enjoyable.

My string of good days started on Saturday, when my wife took that day off and we took the boys to the aquarium. We spent a couple of hours there, the wife and kids went to the IMAX while I went round a few more times as IMAX movies make me feel ill. When we got back we had a few hours before me and the wife went for a meal as a belated birthday meal.

Sunday started with a meeting at the church about our next Elevenses service, I then decided to stay for the family service and then went to my mothers for lunch. The afternoon was spend setting up for Café Church which took less time than we thought it would so we went to McDonalds and relaxed in the sun. When 7:30 arrived the quite café style service started and was very relaxing.

Monday was a quite day but ended in a BBQ at the vicarage. What more can you wish for good food, good company and wine? Is more wine an answer. As you can see from the photo Chinese lanterns, great fun but a bit scary when you realise that they’re heading straight for a heavily populated area. Luckily no headlines about any unexplained house fires in Warmley.

Tuesday was another quite day but this one was ended with our weekly Alpha Course meeting, which if you’ve never done one before I would highly recommend it. We’re 6 weeks in and I have gotten something out of every meeting so far. It isn’t bad either since a few of us go for a quick drink afterwards.

What can i say about Wednesday, the day that’s just gone. Well not much. It’s been quite all day, haven’t done much. The best thing that happened was that Drama Group was cancelled. Now don’t get me wrong I enjoy being part of the group but since I am only really needed when the production is happening i do always ask, Why am I here? So having the evening to catch up on the TV I have missed has been wonderful.

So all in all the week has been wonderful in every way. Great weather, Good Company and memorable moments. I hope that the rest of the week lives up to the start.