All Change and the Good that Change Brings

I have been working hard in the last few weeks in updating my website. With all the things i have learnt over the past few years it was about time I actually put them into practice on my own website. I am going to give myself a deadline of the end of the year. The current version of the site has been updated with the new layout which works really well, the deadline of the end of the year means that I have plenty of time to update the content offline before the website goes live on December 31st.

As well as my own website I am currently working on the churches 3 websites as well as helping with 2 of the informal services. My role within my church is growing as the more we use the technology, the more it is being used for more of the formal services, which is good. Change in itself is good. Change allows OLD to seem NEW. The church shows this off the best, how much the new informal services are taking off.

With all the website work I haven’t been able to update any off my blogs, my last being almost a month ago. This to me is just unacceptable and I apologise. I would say it will not happen again but I can’t promise that at the moment.

“But the Spirit produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, and self-control.”

Galatians 5 Verse 22, Good News Bible.