After more than six months, I have finally got this blog back up and running. I have not worked out how but no matter what I did hackers managed to get in and play around with the files which make up WordPress. I decided to re-image my server to Windows Server 2019 and reinstall all …
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Author:Robert Elliott
Need to Get Back to This.
An old Blender project which i need to get back to. Never got it finished.
Everyone who has read the book or seen the film Da Vinci Code has heard about the Fibonacci sequence. The sequence looks a bit like this: \[1,1,2,3,4,7,11,\ldots\] In recent years a zero has been added to the front of the sequence, and it it this sequence I will be programming. The Fibinacci sequence can be …
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Up and Running Again
For the past day now I have been trying to restore all my websites due to my MySQL installation going screwy, the longest part of this was finding away of getting the data structure out of the .frm files. After much searching I managed to find several website with ways of doing it but want …
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GUI Refinements – Today
My final refinement (for the moment) is that, I want today’s date to be the default date. To do this I need to import two libararies: I then need to get the current date: In order to get each part of the date (day, month, year), i will simply use the SimpleDateFormat library, and create …
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GUI Refinements – Focus
The next refinement, is that I want the Year textfield to clear when it is either clicked on or tabbed to. In order to do this i need to implement not only the ActionListener but also the FocusListener. To do this I simply have to change the class header from: to this: I then have …
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GUI – Refinements – Error Messages
The next refinement is simple. I want the output box to change colour, when the output of the calculation contains the word ‘Error’. How I have decided to handle this is by creating a new String before sending setting it as the content of the JTextField element. I have also decided to add a few …
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GUI – Refinements – ComboBoxes
The first refinement i wish to make is to make the inputs for Day and Month to be ComboBoxes. In order to do this I first need to create two arrays containing all the values for the days(0 – 31) and months(“—” to “December”). The arrays will both store these values as strings and then …
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Java GUI
The Final step is to create the GUI, I have sketched out my plan by hand. My initial plan is on the left, I plan to have 3 text input boxes, a large calculate button and an output box. The window will not be too big and I will fix the width and height, so …
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validDate Revisited – Java
With the updated Python function, comes an updated Java function, the code now looks like this, similar to the Python function there are two new checks and a final check that daysInMonth is not still zero: With this function working correctly, I can now continue with developing the GUI.