Setting Up Your First Python Project: A Beginner’s Guide

This entry is part 8 of 9 in the series January 2025 - Building Foundations

Python is one of the most beginner-friendly programming languages out there. Its simple syntax, vast community, and extensive libraries make it a favourite for new and experienced developers alike. If you’re ready to dive into Python but unsure how to set up your first project, this guide is here to help. Step 1: Install Python …
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GUI Refinements – Today

This entry is part 13 of 13 in the series Zellers Algorithm

My final refinement (for the moment) is that, I want today’s date to be the default date. To do this I need to import two libararies: I then need to get the current date: In order to get each part of the date (day, month, year), i will simply use the SimpleDateFormat library, and create …
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GUI Refinements – Focus

This entry is part 12 of 13 in the series Zellers Algorithm

The next refinement, is that I want the Year textfield to clear when it is either clicked on or tabbed to. In order to do this i need to implement not only the ActionListener but also the FocusListener. To do this I simply have to change the class header from: to this: I then have …
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GUI – Refinements – Error Messages

This entry is part 11 of 13 in the series Zellers Algorithm

The next refinement is simple. I want the output box to change colour, when the output of the calculation contains the word ‘Error’. How I have decided to handle this is by creating a new String before sending setting it as the content of the JTextField element. I have also decided to add a few …
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GUI – Refinements – ComboBoxes

This entry is part 10 of 13 in the series Zellers Algorithm

The first refinement i wish to make is to make the inputs for Day and Month to be ComboBoxes. In order to do this I first need to create two arrays containing all the values for the days(0 – 31) and months(“—” to “December”). The arrays will both store these values as strings and then …
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validDate Revisited – Python

This entry is part 7 of 13 in the series Zellers Algorithm

I have just realised a mistake in my validDate Function. The mistake is that it only validates the day and not the month or year, i also realised that it would validate the day even if the day is zero so I need to fix this. It was only when I was creating the Java …
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