So a complete year without making a blog post, tweet, Facebook status up date. What a year. I’m not going to post about it here, but I will be posting about it soon. Just know that 2016 marks my return to social media. My web server has done something screwy with a lot of the …
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What are we becoming?
Jesus at the Temple Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who werebuying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. ‘It is written,’ he said to them, ‘My house will be called a house of prayer, but you are making it a …
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Reflections of a Wiser man
It’s funny how your perception of the world changes. On Sunday I was walking to Church and happened to decide to walk past my old child hood haunts, I was surprised by how much nostalgia and emotion lay there. Just walking past made me year to be able to go back and experience it all …
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Well my new years resolution to blog more has not come to fruition and my kick start to social networking has not either. For this I am truly sorry and hope to remedy from this point on. I hope that my new piece of tech will help with this remedy. I like so many other …
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Church is a Suspension Bridge
We’ve all heard how a Church is a bridge between God and the Community it is situated in. But have you ever thought of what sort of bridge a Church is? I have looked at many bridges in my time, living in Bristol helped me make a final decision on the kind of bridge a …
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Goodbye 2011 and Good Riddance
To say that this year has been the hardest year of my life so far would be an understatement. I have deliberately not blogged or kept up with any social networking for this reason. Looking back i now realise that everything which happened had to happen. January is always a hard month for me, i …
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Last Blog of 2010
Well it has finally arrived, 2010 is at a close and 2011 is about to begin. Looking back I can say that 2010 started out on a downer, picked up and ended with a slump. I somehow became depressed on the happiest day of the year, I usually love Christmas. Lets forget the past and …
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It’s Dark
I am currently sitting on the bed in complete darkness as the metre has run out. “Why don’t I top it up?” I hear you all ask. Well the wife’s out with her work colleagues and the kids are asleep, so can not get up to the local shop to put money on the metre. …
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The End Cometh!
For the past couple of days I have been trying to write a new entry and have come up with nothing to blog about. The year has almost come to it’s ultimate climax and a new year starting but before then we have that wonderful period known to all as Christmas. It’s the time of …
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Hearing the Bells Already
I have been trying to write this blog for weeks now. I think i am having trouble writing it because I really do not know what to write. Three quarters of the year have passed and the end of the year is nigh and i am trying to focus on what has passed in the …
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