I think i chose the title well for this one. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, Life goes on. That is all I can say at the moment. The Summer is over and the year flying by. What more can i say. Time is flying way too fast. I have had to put a lot on hold at the …
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I always say it. It’s been a while since I have written a post. It’s always a while since I’ve written a post and if i do have regular visitors to my blog i’m sure they are getting used to the sporadic schedule attached to my posts. I Have recently decided to re-watch every episode …
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Half Time Whistle
I meant to write this a week ago and so it really should be more than half time whistle. This is my half year review blog I wrote one a quarter of through just to update everyone on how the year was going. I mentioned then that my deadline of getting the new version of …
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Still Going.
Wow has it been 3 weeks since I last wrote one of these. Wow time flies. Well my Good week of last month has still yet to be surpassed. I have however had a good day here and there. I have been using my MacBook Pro for about two weeks and have been converted (partially) …
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Good Week Continues
WOW! a whole 8 days of ups, absolutely no downs. I hope this is a sign that my life is finally going to be better. The week continued on Thursday, me the wife went to The Mall in Cribbs Causeway and I looked around the shops and when I got home my wife allowed me …
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A Good Week. So Far…
The past few days have gone well, I have really enjoyed them. The weather has been fantastic and the days enjoyable. My string of good days started on Saturday, when my wife took that day off and we took the boys to the aquarium. We spent a couple of hours there, the wife and kids …
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Post about Nothing. Really.
It was my 28th birthday on Wednesday and I spent most of the day on my own. When I look back at my blog for the same time last year I realise that my mind in general must be focused on other thoughts other than getting a job, although this isn’t hard since I have …
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Political Madness
I will not claim to be politically minded but even I can see that our so called democracy isn’t so. David Cameron won the election with more votes than any other party gaining more seats in parliament than Labour and the Lib Dems put together, but still David Cameron is not Prime Minister. The country …
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Not Much to Look Forward To.
I haven’t written a blog for 2 weeks and am feeling really bad about it. It isn’t because i haven’t wanted to write one. It’s because life for me is so boring and uninteresting I have nothing to write. It isn’t a good thing when the only thing i have to look forward to is …
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Website Updates
I have had to completely rewrite my website due to my portable hard drive breaking. This is a blessing more than a curse. I am completely restructuring the database, the blog section will hopefully have some functionality seen on other blog platforms like categories. I have also decided to treat the wrestling and star trek …
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