Friday was Good Friday and during the evening my small portable Hard Disk, broke and all my files were lost. The files on the drive included all the work I had done for version 5 of Rob’s Roost along with 1 weeks worth of work for the church website was also lost. I would usually …
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Quarter Gone
Can’t believe that a quarter of 2010 has gone already. It’s amazing how as you get older, the faster time goes by, I specifically remember writing my first blog of the year thinking this is the start of the year of change. The year that was hopefully going to be less depressing for me. Has …
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Why Can’t I Say No?
Some how I have ended up doing some sort of play in church tomorrow, even though I can not remember saying that I would do it. I hate getting up in front of people and easily get nervous and start feeing ill (actually just thinking about it, i am starting to feel a bit nauseous …
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What to Do?
The title says it all. Although I am less bothered about not having a job and my life not turning out the way I wanted it to. I still have no clue, what to do next? There is so much to do at the moment with the church that I am starting to wonder if …
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All Change and the Good that Change Brings
I have been working hard in the last few weeks in updating my website. With all the things i have learnt over the past few years it was about time I actually put them into practice on my own website. I am going to give myself a deadline of the end of the year. The …
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Story of Someone I’ve Never Met and Now Never Will
I was asked a few weeks ago to help run the data projector for a funeral which would be happening on 15th February. Little did I know how much the funeral would touch me and just how much it would make me look at life. The funeral was for Brendon Smith, a 17 year old …
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New Beginnings
I meant to post a blog days ago but just didn’t know where to start, I always have this problem, I always know what I want to say but not how to say it. I wanted this blog to be about my fresh start in 2010 and the resolutions which I want to make. I …
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Coming Together
Another Blog so soon after the last, what has come over me? It is because one of my New Year Resolutions is to blog more. I started so well last year and then they started to die out. The title of this blog is coming together, this is in reference to my last blog in …
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Not A Good Start
Okay 2010 Hasn’t had the best start of any year ever, started with me spending New Years alone, then being told I could no longer run the churches youth group since I accidentally links to a FaceBook page which people had posted semi-erotic pictures. This made me feel as though i was no longer welcome …
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