Well here it is my Third update to my reboot.
Life Goals
Eat and Drink Better
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Back on the Pepsi. Only three energy drinks and i didn’t enjoy them. Going to have to face the fact. I like a coke. It’s my Kryptonite. So going to have to face it giving up Coke and Pepsi not going to be practical, energy drinks however are definitely off the menu.
Read More
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Got most of the way through my book.
Write More
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Again another area where I haven’t really managed to get idea to keyboard, lot’s of ideas not enough work coming from ideas. Ideas are great only if they’re acted upon. The fact that this report is being written late just shows that I have slipped quite a bit. The fact that this report is almost three weeks late is just unacceptable.
Code More
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This area has slipped this month, especially when in with the past couple of weeks I haven’t looked at or written a line of code.
Exercise More
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Not much exercise
Get into a Better routine
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To be honest haven’t made any progress in this area.
Be better with money
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Still being good with the money.
Spiritual Goals
Read my Bible More
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I have managed to keep this up to the same level as last month.
Pray Mode
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I have managed to keep this up to the same level as last month.
In conclusion, the third month has not been that hard. There is still room for improvement but in life when is there never room for improvement? With the marks above I reward myself 45%, which is terrible, I got 59% last month. Really need to get my head together.