Friday was Good Friday and during the evening my small portable Hard Disk, broke and all my files were lost. The files on the drive included all the work I had done for version 5 of Rob’s Roost along with 1 weeks worth of work for the church website was also lost. I would usually have been very upset at this but I am actually feeling very optimistic about it. The church website can easily be fixed as i have the extra tables I designed written down on paper and the pages I rewrote were not that difficult to code.
My website I am equally optimistic about. The website I designed for version 5 was 1/3 complete but was too similar to version 4 to require a new version number. With all the code gone I can go ahead and redesign everything, although i want to keep the layout as I already redesigned this recently. The backend is really where the redesign needs to happen. I am adding functionality to the blog section on my website, but that doesn’t mean that I will stop updating my blogs elsewhere. I still intend to keep all my blogs up-to-date.
This is just a quick blog to say. It’s time for a fresh start. I don’t think i will end with a Bible Quote this time, instead I will end with a quote about optimism. It’s something I have struggled with in the past. I found this quote which I think sums optimism up nicely.
“If they can make penicillin out of moldy bread, they can sure make something out of you.”
Muhammed Ali