Fresh Starts

With a new year starting and the old one behind, I can not help but ponder what the year to come has inshore for me.

2016 brought with it many changes. I left a church which I had been Baptised and Married at but sadly where there was a deep ingrained culture of bullying and power grabbing. I then joined a church where the leaders(both of which i call friend) had a falling out resulting in one of them leaving. God really does not let us get too complacent and likes shaking things up so we do not get too comfortable.

I can say with certainty that whatever happens in 2017 has to be better than what happened in 2016. I start the new year fresh, not just mentally and spiritually but also financially, starting 2017 with a positive bank balance(no matter how small) has to be a good omen. Hopefully the struggles of 2016 can stay there.

I am not going to list all the things which I wish to achieve here like I have in the past, it only depresses me when I read it back in 12 months. I just want to be happy and comfortable in 2017.