Goodbye 2011 and Good Riddance

To say that this year has been the hardest year of my life so far would be an understatement. I have deliberately not blogged or kept up with any social networking for this reason. Looking back i now realise that everything which happened had to happen.

January is always a hard month for me, i always seem to have something bad happen in January which sets the year into motion. Well 2011 was no exception. When the boys went back to school we got a phone call from the nursery saying that our youngest has a bruise on his ear and that he says i did it. I would like to say for the record that I did not do it, I will however own up to being in bed all day until 2:15 leaving both boys on there own to fend for themselves, this I know is unacceptable and shocks me even now.

Anyway this started a roller coaster year. Filled with ups and downs and turns in all directions. I really believe God was telling me something this year, testing me to see which way I would go. The way I ended up going was closer to him, confiding in him to help me through it, there were clues along the way that he was there. I found comfort knowing this and it really helped me emotionally to get through the turmoil of the first few months.

Anyway social services sorry children’s services, i don’t know what difference it makes to call it something different they still have no clue what they’re doing having know been on both sides of the process. Bitterness isn’t it a wonderful emotion. I was separated from my family for three months, i still am unsure if this was allowed under the human rights act but sure as hell am going to find out and take the proper action when I do. In February I started on my course of Anti-Depressants which I must say I should have done years ago. We are still battling with the social service but are no longer on what is called an Action Plan, what a joke that is, the only action they’re good at is cancelling visits and not communicating. We have now been put on a family support plan, it’s like being put on report at school, one mistake and your in the headmasters office. Hopefully our next meeting will be our last. So that was 2011, what a year, a year I do not want to repeat.

The good side of all that was that I have a better relationship with my boys and wife. I now get up at a reasonable hour of the day. I am now on the medication I need to help my depression and am seeing a counsellor to help me gain the skills I need to deal with my past. I’m sure in 2012 I will blog about my experiences in counselling as I am really enjoying them and learning a lot about myself.

I would like to review my last blog of last year.

I have not finished any websites as I planned although the church website is coming along at a really fast pace. I also never learnt to drive. Lets make this easier I have been reading more read 28 books this year and have learnt ASP.NET 4.0. That’s it. The rest I will do this year.

At this point I would like to thank my My Wife, My Two Boys, My Family, The In-Laws, The Church Family and God for helping me get through the Hardest Year. Here’s to 2012, Bring It On.