It’s Dark

I am currently sitting on the bed in complete darkness as the metre has run out. “Why don’t I top it up?” I hear you all ask. Well the wife’s out with her work colleagues and the kids are asleep, so can not get up to the local shop to put money on the metre.

Sitting here in the dark, I can not help but remember being younger and scared of the dark not wanting to leave the bed in fear that some monster would grab me from under the bed. I really shouldn’t of started watching horror films when I was 8. I also remember reading the Owl who is afraid of the dark as a child to try and get over my fear, it didn’t work the owl didn’t come face to face with Michael Myers and get a carving knife in the back in the book which was my main fear as a child. I say main fear it could quite easily of been Freddy Kruger, Chucky or Jason Vorhees.

I now see that it was not the dark itself i was scared of but not knowing what was lurking in the dark. I am a believer in the paranormal, always have been, I suppose I was always scared of coming face to face with a ghost or poltergeist. Although you can’t actually see poltergeists.

I don’t know if it is because I am older but when I was a child I could look out into the dark and make the shapes on the walls made by objects into scary faces, now all I see is the objects. Have I lost my imagination?

“A man must dream a long time in order to act with grandeur, and dreaming is nursed in darkness.”

Jean Genet