New Beginnings

I meant to post a blog days ago but just didn’t know where to start, I always have this problem, I always know what I want to say but not how to say it. I wanted this blog to be about my fresh start in 2010 and the resolutions which I want to make. I have already written and rewritten this blog several times and accidentally erased everything I had already started to right, which is probably a blessing in disguise.

If you have read any of my previous blogs you will know that i get seriously bad bouts of depression, I wouldn’t say that I am a manic depressive, I just get low now and then. I feel i have gotten to that time in life when you start thinking of all the things you haven’t managed to achieve, being almost 28 and not ever having a job. My wife seems to think that 2010 will be a good year as it is even, she has this idea that even years seem to be good years, forgetting that we got together in 2001 and married in 2005 both odd years. Okay both our kids were born in even years, was that a good thing or a bad thing ask me on a day when they’ve done exactly as they’ve been told and haven’t wrecked the place. So my first resolution is to stop feeling worthless because of the things I haven’t been able to achieve and worthy for those which I have.

I spent most of 2009 sat on my butt doing nothing, I repeat NOTHING. I sat there waiting for something to happen, waiting for life to get better. I waited for the phone to ring about jobs, I waited to be asked to help with stuff at church, when I know that they’re happy for the help. I have found my self doing more and more for the church just so that I have something to do, which is great. It isn’t a bad thing to be constantly busy doing computer stuff. If you have a skill which can be used by someone then you should let them use it, now I am quite good at PowerPoint and putting presentations together, so have donated this gift to the church for services. My second resolution is therefore to go after that which I want to do, rather that sitting on my butt and hoping that it will come to pass.

I suppose those are the two major resolutions which I want to make this year there are a few minor ones like, tweet more and write more blogs. But these are only small insignificant resolutions which I promise I will follow and believe are quite easy to follow. I enjoy Tweeting and Blogging and they help getting my thoughts out. I don’t know if any one is reading them, but it is still a good release to write them.

“When anyone is joined to Christ, he is a new being; the old is gone, the new has come.” 

2 Corinthians 5 Verse 17, Good News Bible.