Not Much to Look Forward To.

I haven’t written a blog for 2 weeks and am feeling really bad about it. It isn’t because i haven’t wanted to write one. It’s because life for me is so boring and uninteresting I have nothing to write. It isn’t a good thing when the only thing i have to look forward to is a time when i finally have something to write in my blog. I just wish I could write about something other than not having anything to write. I realise this is a contradiction but, aren’t contradictions fun?

I just spent the last 15 minutes going through my tweets. I have just realised that I have been Tweeting, MySpacing, Facebooking and Blogging for a year now adding each one on that order just to fill the void that is MY LIFE. When my contract with the Trust ended on 10th January 2009, I had no idea life was going to get this DULL.

Okay DULL isn’t fair, I have thrown myself into church life, now being elected as a Deanery Synod representative which means lots of meetings and talks to go to. I am now attending the Alpha Course which I am really enjoying, not to mention the website and service PowerPoint presentations. This sounds like a lot of work and believe me it is, but i find it very satisfying.

I suppose you have to have something to look forward to in life. At present the only things I look forward to are updates to podcasts I listen to and any meeting at church.

“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.”

1 Corinthians 12:4 – 5, New International Version