Post about Nothing. Really.

It was my 28th birthday on Wednesday and I spent most of the day on my own. When I look back at my blog for the same time last year I realise that my mind in general must be focused on other thoughts other than getting a job, although this isn’t hard since I have since January given up looking as it was depressing me. I have also stopped using other people as a guide poll to measure myself against. I maybe 28 and never held a full-time job, but I have been looking after the kids for 8 years now so I haven’t totally been wasting my time.

I remember when I was younger wanting to be a Marine Biologist when I was older. I still had this aspiration until I was 17 and my grades weren’t good enough to continue studying for my A-Levels. This is when I started to really get into computers. I have always liked computers ever since my days playing on the families BBC Micro computer when I was 6 or 7. So I have always been around computers, always had and interest and always have liked using them.

Gaming was where I spent most of the hours of the Days. Chuckie Egg was what I used to play on the BeeB, Then when I was 7 or 8 I got my NES and got addicted to Mario Bros. I had every Nintendo Console right up to the Game Cube which I decided not to buy in favour of Microsoft’s X-Box. A 360 and a Wii sit under the TV nowadays although i favour the 360 to the Wii. Swapping Chuckie Egg for Halo: ODST. My life has been Gaming and Computing, along with Science Fiction and Horror Movies, wonderful combination don’t you think?

I have always classed myself as a Geek and have recently been asked via Twitter what the difference is between a Geek and a Nerd. This is a good question. A question which I don’t know the real answer to, if anyone has a good answer please let me know. Nerds are generally portrayed as studying a lot, while geeks are generally portrayed as lovers of science fiction and computers. I am a GEEK no question about it. If i were a nerd I would probably have a degree under my belt by now.

Reading this blog back I realise it isn’t really going anywhere. I don’t even know what it’s about. It’s probably just me trying to understand a few things and trying to string a few paragraphs together to form some form of conclusion. I can’t find one. This will just have to be one of my life’s little mysteries.