Quarter Gone

Can’t believe that a quarter of 2010 has gone already. It’s amazing how as you get older, the faster time goes by, I specifically remember writing my first blog of the year thinking this is the start of the year of change. The year that was hopefully going to be less depressing for me. Has it? Well I don’t think i have had a downer this year, so three months with out one is a record.

I believe the reason I haven’t had a downer is that I’ve been too busy with websites, databases and church to really be bothered with how my life is going. Church seems to be keeping me busy, I didn’t really think i was going to be able to write a blog this week due to the fact that it’s Holy Week. The start of a new church year.

It always gets a bit manic around this time at church there is so much going on. I’m finding it hard to fit much web work in this week. I did squeeze some work yesterday but nothing substantial. I really am still hoping to get the new version of Rob’s Roost up on the January 1st. It seemed so far away but think that 3 months have gone already I can see this deadline creeping ever closer.

I promise that I will write a blog more often, it’s really hard to find something interesting to say when you don’t get out much. I hope for this to change sometime in the near future. Maybe writing about how i am feeling and what I have done is not the angle i should be taking. I really want these blogs to be interesting. I am finding it harder and harder to know what to write.

“We may make our plans, but God has the last word.”

Proverbs 16 Verse 1, , Good News Bible