
I always say it. It’s been a while since I have written a post. It’s always a while since I’ve written a post and if i do have regular visitors to my blog i’m sure they are getting used to the sporadic schedule attached to my posts.

I Have recently decided to re-watch every episode and movie of Star Trek (yes this includes the new one), I am going to create a schedule much like the one I have for reading the bible through the year. I hope to watch 15 episodes a week, over 5 days. This is 3 episodes a day. I hope to do this in Chronological order not the production or the way they were aired this should take a full year. I will then post a review of the episodes on my blog. What a geeky thing to do?

I’m so happy to be doing it. It is something which I have wanted to do for ages. I was going to do Doctor Who as well but that would have taken ages, starting at William Hartnell and getting up to Matt Smith. That and some of the episodes are lost, because of the idiots running the BBC in the 60s.

I have recently completed the Alpha course at my church. I found it thought provoking and has filled me with an understanding of my religion which I didn’t have before. Also helped that the group we had was fantastic, the discussions were always though provoking and insightful, it is always good to understand where your fellow Christians are with their own faith. But I’m not really worried that I am not on the same level as they are, we all travel the path of faith at different speeds as we travel the life’s path also.

My website has a new deadline of my Birthday 19th May 2011. This is due to other commitments. Namely the church website. This is the end of my post today.

Life still goes on.